Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Epic-ness That Is RED

I love music. It probably my biggest interest. There are many bands that I like but there are some that I find amazing. Now, if you know me you might think I'm going to say Green Day, Linkin Park or The Who, but the band I'm talking about is none of the above. The band I'm talking about is called RED. They are a Christian metal band.

There music is very unique to me. These guys put more passion in their songs than anything I have ever heard before. It is hard to explain in words how this band makes me feel, but the singers voice and the lyrics put a chill down my spine, literally. The music is very calming, least for me, but sometimes it can almost bring me to tears also. I think one thing that also adds to their music is the strings. A lot of their songs have violins and such in them. I think that is want gives the music such a passionate feeling. In my opinion they are one of the greatest bands ever, but they are not very well known, so most people wouldn't say that.

This song inparticular is one that gives me chills

Their third album comes out on Feburary 1. It's called Until We Have Faces. If it is as good their first two albums then I except it to be great! The album leaked on the internet already but I have not listened to it because I would rather wait until I buy the album. From other people's reaction, it seems to be a good album.

Here is the first single off of the album.
Only more day to wait!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When I first started this blog my intention was not for every blog to be about John Entwistle but all of them have been so far. This one is no diferernt.

I was on Facebook one night and Josiah Prince, guitarist for Philmont, posted a status. He and I started talking. Here is the conversation:
I don't know if he actually knew that was John in my profile picture or if he just new it was one of the guys from The Who but either way I was happy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I decided to watch a Who DVD tonight, which is something I haven't done in a while. It's funny because the DVD I watched I have had for over a year and this is the first time I watched it. It was really good, it revived my love for The Who (even though I never really stopped loving them). But it also revived my love for John. For a couple months there I thought I was getting over him. It upset me because I don't want to get over him. Watching this DVD made me feel like I used to about John. Even though it didn't exactly go away it hibernated or something. Loving John hurts in a way, but forgetting him would hurt worse. I know that doesn't really make sense, but whatever. I want John's memory to be alive for along time. Even if I'm the last person on earth to remember him it's better than no one remembering him.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

But death always leads into life.

I was in the book store at the mall today looking at the magazines (God forbid I buy a book) and I picked up the new issue of Revolver. They had a tribute to all the fallen metal stars. I looked though it and saw that Keith Moon from The Who was in it. I was puzzeled because The Who is FAR from metal. I thought maybe if Keith was in there that maybe John Entwistle would be. Not to my surprise he wasn't. It pisses me off that people always forget him. He was just as much a part of The Who as the others. In fact, he did more things for The Who than Keith and Roger, including writing songs. Not to mention he was and always will be the greatest bass guitarist ever.
John, I won't forget you. <3