Saturday, February 26, 2011

RED on Leno

I'm a little late but on February 19th, RED performed on Leno. They played "Not Alone". The performance was great but I was disappointed with the song they played. It is an amazing song but I was hoping for a a faster song that I could rock out too. Other than that it was awesome!

While on the subject of RED, on Fridays the band gets on Facebook and answers questions from fans. The past two weeks I asked them questions and both times they answered. I was very excited. :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RED's performance on Conan O'Brien

I ended up missing RED's proformance on Conan O'Brien last night but a video was posted online the next day.

I think they nailed the performance. From comments on Conan's website, it seemed that people liked them. I hope this can put them on the map because they totally deserve it.
Even more exciting though is they are going to be the musical guest on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" on Wednesday, February 16. They are finally get their big break after three albums. This is great because I cannot being to explain how amazing I think this band is.

They played "Faceless", which was the first single of the new album called Until We Have Faces.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

RED on Conan

RED is going to be on Conan's show tonight. This is very exciting because, as far as I know, this is their first REAL tv exposer. If and when the video comes out I will post it.